Marce Society 2020 学術集会での日本からの発表


Marcé Society Web大会(主催アイオワ大学) 2020


シンポジウム (趣旨3分、各発表10分動画)(ライブ・ディスカッション30分) 



Marcé Society バンガロール大会 2018



Symposium Title: New Initiatives in Perinatal Mental Health in Japan 

Symposium Chair: Keiko Yoshida


The Japan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology Perinatal Mental Health Project - Shinichi Hoshi 

Comparison of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Whooley's Two Questions in the Screening of Postpartum Depression in Japan - Shunji Suzuki 

Japanese Women's Perinatal Mental Health : Perspectives from the National Cohort Study in Tokyo - Yoshiyuki Tachibana

 Recommendations on Maternal Safety Based on the Suicide Cases in Maternal Death Registration System in Japan - Takaaki Yasuda 

Marcé Society メルボルン大会 2016




Symposium and In-Conference Workshop 

Chair: Alain Gregoire

The Development of Perinatal Mental Health Care in Japan an update ~Apprenticeships with support from the UK ~ 

Symposium Chair: Keiko Yoshida


Trends in perinatal mental health care in the UK and relevance to the development of programmes in other nations  Alain Gregoire 

Establishment of community-based mental healthcare Rie Oyama & Yoshihiro Akimoto 

Obstetric work for the sufferers in the North Japan Disaster Area and their recent work on pregnant women Hiroko Suzumiya, Hiroshi Yamashita & Keiko Yoshida 

The role of psychiatrists in multidisciplinary teams for perinatal women: findings from consultation-liaison work Hitomi Seino  



・Anxiety, Depression and Psychosocial background of pregnants admitted to MFICU(Maternal-Fetal Intensive Care Unit) for threatened preterm labor(Takaaki Yasuda et al.) 

・Development of a web-based comprehensive educational programme for nurses to facilitate mother-infant bonding(Yasue OtaMari Takahashi 

・Current Status of Women Requiring Perinatal Mental Health Care in Japan(Shunji Suzuki et al.)